Enjoy priority booking and support Longborough Festival Opera.
We rely on people like you to help us present exceptional opera. The generous support of our members underpins all of our artistic programming and education work.
Become part of our extended family, take advantage of priority booking, and share your love of Longborough with like-minded people.
Memberships are valid for one festival season, and will expire on 7 September of that year.
Membership does not guarantee tickets. As a member you will receive priority booking, which will give you a better chance of getting the tickets you want.
Tickets during priority booking
Tickets are limited per production during priority booking. Additional tickets will be released to members on 3 March 2025. Public booking opens on 10 March (all from 10am, online and by phone).
View booking dates and the theatre seating plan >
If you need help renewing a membership, call Box Office on 01451 830292 (Monday to Thursday, 10am - 4pm).
If you have a Founder membership and wish to renew or discuss your membership, please call Box Office on 01451 830292 or contact Gill Powell, Membership & Legacy Manager: gill@lfo.org.uk
If you need help renewing a membership, call Box Office on 01451 830292 (Monday to Thursday, 10am - 4pm).
If you have a Founder membership and wish to renew or discuss your membership, please call Box Office on 01451 830292 or contact Gill Powell, Membership & Legacy Manager: gill@lfo.org.uk
2024-2025 Gift Aid information
All membership levels comprise a benefits value which reflects the actual cost to Longborough Festival Opera of providing those benefits. These benefits differ for each category and can be purchased separately. Any amounts given over and above the benefits value are given as a donation and are eligible for Gift Aid and higher rate tax relief. These taxable benefit values are: Friends £12; Patrons £34; Benefactors £56; Production Circle £125; Future Fund £150. To find out more please contact Gill Powell, Membership & Legacy Manager: gill@lfo.org.uk / 01451 830292.