Olivia Shotton

Assistant Conductor

Olivia is the Conductor of the University of London Chamber Choir, the University of Greenwich Choir, Assistant Conductor of Ealing Symphony Orchestra, and founder and Conductor of the professional early music ensemble The CONVENTional Project.

Her previous engagements include her role as Conductor for ‘Dido and Aeneas’ (University of London), Assistant Chorus Master for Mahler ‘Symphony no. 3’ (Royal Academy of Music), Assistant Musical Director for ‘Hansel and Gretel’ (British Youth opera), and semi-finalist in the DIMA International Choral Conducting Competition (18th Edition). Olivia is in high demand as a workshop leader, and has led workshops on behalf of The Sixteen, VOCES8 Foundation, The Bach Choir and London Youth Choirs.

Olivia graduated with Distinction from the Royal Academy of Music, where she received a DipRam award for outstanding performance in her final recital and the Sir Thomas Armstrong Choral Leadership Prize. Following the completion of her postgraduate degree, Olivia was appointed as the Meaker Fellow at the Academy, where she conducted a series of concerts of Renaissance and Baroque music by women from the Italian convents. Since studying at the Academy, Olivia has continued to develop her conducting through the RPS Women Conductors ‘Advance’ course (2023), Glover-Edwards Conducting Programme (2023-24), Genesis Sixteen Conducting Scholarship (2022-23), Dartington International Summer School Advanced Conductor programme (2022), and as a Fellow of the National Youth Choirs of Great Britain (2022).