This page will be regularly updated with information about our new venue for 2021, The Big Top.
The Big Top - frequently asked questions
Big Top FAQs
Will there be surtitles?
As with the productions in the theatre, surtitles will be present for every production and visible from every seat.
What will the acoustics be like?
The stage and amphitheatre structure will all be clad in timber, to assist with the even spread of sound. We continue to talk to other companies that already stage opera in circus tents and will be drawing upon their experience.
What happens if we cannot attend due to a COVID-19-related reason?
If a performance is cancelled for any reason, we will contact you and explain our refund options. Prior to a performance, we will also arrange a refund if you have been instructed to self-isolate; or if you have symptoms of COVID-19, or a high temperature on the day of the performance.
Can we attend if we have not been vaccinated?
Social distancing measures have been built into all elements of your visit. Our season is designed to be as safe as possible for everyone who is part of it, whether they have been vaccinated or not.
How are the seats spaced apart?
The Big Top is a purpose-built auditorium with a socially distanced seating plan. To maximise our available capacity, seats are grouped in twos and fours, with space of 1m+ between groups and rows. This does mean that bookings of single seats or odd numbers will be difficult to accommodate.
After 19 July the seating will not be socially distanced. The Big Top is well ventilated, and we will be following all guidelines. With the safety and respect of our staff, artists and audience in mind, we will continue to expect face coverings to be worn when not outside.
Will there be enhanced ventilation?
The Big Top is classified as an outdoor venue, with the possibility of performing with the sides of the venue removed to ensure a good level of circulation.
Are the dining options different this year?
Our picnic marquees and restaurant are operating with socially distanced seating plans. This means that capacity is extremely limited.

If you have any queries please contact the Box Office.
Page last updated 8 February 2021.