Between the Ring

Lfo23 Fairy Queen Event London Nov 22 Cr Matthew Williams Ellis 25

Between the Ring is an exciting series of events that will run alongside our performances of Wagner's epic Ring, fitting between the productions of each cycle and including talks, concerts and masterclasses.

You don’t need a ticket to the Ring to book for these events.

cycle III (4-9 July 2024)

Saturday 6 July 

St George's Hall, Blockley, 3.00pm-4.00pm 

What Wagner Stole - with Dr Genevieve Robyn Arkle & Sir David Pountney

"Good artists borrow. Great artists steal." Theft is a major theme of the Ring. When Wotan hears of the Rhinegold, Loge advises him to take it by theft: "Durch Raub". This advice has repercussions across the action of the whole tetralogy.

Dr Genevieve Robyn Arkle (Lecturer and Researcher, University of Bristol) joins director Sir David Pountney to discuss the theme of theft in the operas, and what Wagner stole from other artists.

Tickets £30

Genevieve David 2400X900

6 July: Dr Genevieve Robyn Arkle & Sir David Pountney

Find out more and book

Monday 8 July 

St James Church, Longborough, 3.00pm-4.30pm

Susan Bullock CBE masterclass

Budding Longborough Wagnerians in a masterclass with acclaimed soprano Susan Bullock CBE.

Tickets £30

Susan Bullock 2400X900

8 July: Susan Bullock masterclass

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